Sunday 13 October 2013

Costume Research

Now that we have confirmed our script and treatment, we have to look at things like the costume and prop choices.

Our film will take place mainly in an office, during work hours. This means that the protagonist and the character of the 'boss' will need to be dressed in smart uniform, for example, a suit and tie.

We can look at other films for inspiration on the costume. In particular, Shaun of the Dead and Fight Club. The protagonists in these films both dress in 'workwear' but they aren't smart in their appearance as you can see below. How they both dress seems to reflect the attitude to their jobs, as they are both overworked and bored - much like our protagonist. Therefore it would be suitable for the 'office worker' in our film to wear a shirt, tie, and work trousers in a slightly dishevelled manner like the photos below, whereas the 'boss' dresses in a suit and tie in a smart way. This will represent in quite an obvious way to the audience each character's attitude to their job and how they are part of the corporate world. Because they are in classic work attire, it voids them of personality and just makes them part of the working world.

These are photos are from Fight Club and Shaun of The Dead. Both of the characters are bored with their jobs and even though they are dressed relatively smart, aren't as smart as the could be. Our protagonist has a similar outlook to their job, so they would be dressed in a similar manner.

We will probably go for a plain black tie and white shirt combination, as the plain colours make him seem like any other working person, and don't give him a chance to express much personality. It will represent that he is just like any other person in a boring office job, and it will make it easier for us to rid of personality, so that he can be a figurehead for all of the people out there who hate their jobs.

Now that we have considered all the options for costume, we will look at the options for props.